Feature description Power
input voltage: 3.5-7.5V OUT R/G/B
Constant current value: 12mA Top SMD
internally integrates high-quality external control single-wire serial cascaded constant current IC
Guangzhou Yingsheng Lighting Co., Ltd.
The JE2812 chip adopts automatic shaping and forwarding technology, so that the cascade number of the chip is not limited by
signal transmission. Only limited refresh rate requirements. For example, if we design a 1024 cascade, its refresh time is 1024 X0.4
X2 = 0.8192ms (the data delay time of the chip is 0.4 µs), there will be no flickering phenomenon.
The control circuit and chip are integrated in the SMD 5050 components to form a complete external
control pixel, and the color temperature effect is uniform and consistent high
Built-in data shaping circuit, after any pixel receives the signal, it will be output after waveform shaping to ensure that the
line waveform distortion will not accumulate
By default, the light is off after power-on
Gray scale adjustment circuit (256 levels of gray scale adjustable)
Data shaping: After receiving the data of this unit, the subsequent data will be shaped and output automatically
Built-in high-precision and high-stability oscillator.
Single-line data transmission, unlimited cascading
High data protocol compatibility
Data transmission rate: 800Kbps